What happens when you combine Mentos, Diet Coke and Room 1?

What happens when you combine Mentos, Diet Coke and Room 1?

Room 1 have taken a practical approach to learning about different reactions.

On Thursday, Room 1 conducted a science experiment with Mrs McDougall, using diet Coca-cola and Mentos lollies. Room 1 have been learning about using their 5 senses in science and then using these to help with their observations. If you are feeling brave yourself try the step by step instructions here!

Here are some observations they wrote after the experiment:

We did an experiment.  We put some Mentos in the Coke and it exploded. (By Willow)

I saw the Coke exploding because we put Mentos into the bottle.  We went to the music room. (By Molly)

We put the Mentos in the bottle of Coke and we put four in it, then we put Mentos in the other.  The foam exploded and went round. (By Brody)

We did an experiment with Coke and it exploded and we watched it and then it stopped.  It exploded because we put a Mentos in it. (By Ava)

The Experiment. We put Mentos in the Coke.  We watched it blow up. (By Jacob)

We put Mentos in the bottle of Coke.  It exploded and we watched.  I saw bubbles come out. It smelled yum. (By Ryan)

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