A cold start for Hockey Tournament

A cold start for Hockey Tournament

On Tuesday 14 TCAS Year 7 and 8 students played hockey in the annual tournament, held on grass at the Clutha Rugby Club. The weather was a traditional winter's frost but all had a great time despite the cold. Most of our players were new to the game and should be very proud of the way they played throughout the day. Through our values of Tenacity and Care, they improved with every game, figured out their best positions to play as a team and used fair play against every opposing team. A huge thank you to our parent helpers for the day, Nat Harrex, Nathan Wilson, Ang Senior & Chris Watt. You were all much appreciated and kept the players motivated and happy. 

With Term 3 Hockey registrations coming up, I hope the day out inspired a few to think about joining a team for the Monday night competition, held at the Cross Recreation Centre.

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