Unleashing creativity and adventure using the wonderful world of 'Loose Parts'

Unleashing creativity and adventure using the wonderful world of 'Loose Parts'

The 'Loose Parts' trailer is back at TCAS for the week, much to the delight of of the ākonga.

The Loose Parts Trailer has been at TCAS all week. At first in the lower carpark, but has since migrated to higher ground due to the rainfall. The 'parts' are sourced from the local community and include anything from keyboards, cable reels, stilts and boxes through to wheels, wood, pipes and cardboard.  It really is a veritable “treasure chest” that encourages kids to play creatively, use their imaginations and energy, and discover and develop social and cognitive skills.

It has been fantastic to see our juniors make use of the opportunity and the parts to create their own play, and it has been amazing to see what they create and how they interact with each other. At times teachers will often see children who don’t usually play together creating things and having really great interactions.

It really is a place where imagination knows no bounds!

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