The second assembly of the term!

The second assembly of the term!

It was a fantastic way to see all of TCAS ākonga together, with this being the seniors' last assembly for the year and for some students, their very last!

Mrs Hanley addressed the entire Kura, on the events which occurred at TCAS last week. All ākonga were commended on their ability to stay calm and collected in an emergency, and how they were able to follow instructions perfectly. It's reassuring to see how our regular drill practices can translate into reality when needed.

The focus value for the term is 'Achievement'. It was great to see the example of Flynn Lietze who came 4th in the 800m race at Otago Secondary School Athletics last Saturday.  NCEA exams begin on Monday and all ākonga are aiming to strive for the value of achievement. The first draw for achievement cards was won by Cooper Landreth, who achieved by delivering an excellent speech.

Room 3 delivered poems that they had written in class. Billie Olsen, Maggie Bradfield, Theo Kristel, Ella Hudson, Brooklyn Landreth and William Perrin all shared their poems about themselves by using alliteration. Zoe Senior, William Berney and Maddox Harrison shared their efforts from Hard Technology with Mr Samson. The Year 8 class have made their own personalised clocks. It's a privilege to be able to share in all successes of our ākonga on their learning journeys.

Our Year 7 and 8 students have spent the last two terms forming great relationships with buddies at Little Hoiho and the transition to the school programme. Darcy Cairns was presented with a certificate and book chosen by his buddy Milly Lietze.

There are three more assemblies scheduled for the Term 4. Parents, caregivers, grandparents, whānau and the wider community are invited to join in our celebrations together. Assembly is on a Tuesday at 9am in the gym on the 15th November, 29th November and the 13th of December (Prizegiving practice included). It would be great to see you all there!

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