Top Team show tenacity

Term 2 Top Team competition saw TCAS battle against other schools in a quiz and Tapu Ae.

On Wednesday 10 students from Year 7 and 8 travelled to the Cross Recreation Centre in Balclutha to compete in Term 2 challenge of Top Team. The Top Team competition is open to all schools in the Clutha district and challenges students in their sporting abilities, strength, teamwork and general knowledge to see which school will rein Top Team supreme. Each event involves a different quiz and different sports or activities. 

Wednesday night saw a three round quiz testing Te Reo Māori, vehicle and animal sounds. How fortunate that the last period at school was Te Reo taught by Mrs Carins! The physical component was introduced in the game of Tapu Ae. Tapu Ae improves skills around 1 and 2 hand passing, passing accuracy, catching, small target shooting, foot movement, communication between team mates and blocking skills. 

TCAS Top Team played extremely well, adapting to the new game quickly and winning all their games except the last.  The next Top Team competition is Thursday 8th September in Term 3 and they are all looking forward to it already!

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