TCAS Athletics Day 2022

The annual Athletics day was a huge success despite COVID restrictions.

The 2022 TCAS Athletics was held on Thursday the 24th of February and looked a little different to usual due to COVID restrictions. The major difference of parents, caregivers and whānau being unable to come on-site and support our athletes.

The day was divided into three age groups with the seniors competing first, middle school second and the juniors at the end of the day. It was a perfect Catlins stunner of a day with sun, enjoyment and smiles. There was some really great competition and a number of records broken!!! 

The day after athletics Year 5-8 students finished with the 200m during their PE lessons. Next week all the students interested  will compete in a 800m and 1500m running event during lunchtime to wrap Athletics up. At the completion of all events the house points will be tallied and announced, along with records.

A huge thanks to our staff for their great time keeping and recording skills. A huge thank you also to Sarah Cairns, Fiona Wilkinson and Tania Barr who made sure the event was precisely planned and ran smoothly.

Photo Credit to Tania Barr.

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